
Sunday, March 1, 2015

How About PitBulls

Pit bulls are a lovable and gentle breed that are often misunderstood and vilified by the press. These little known facts may help you to see these dogs in a different light and may have you adopting one of your very own.

K-9 Workaholics
This muscular breed loves to have a task or job, particularly if it’s a physical one. Pulling and tugging are one of their favorite activities, so consider having them pull you on roller-blades for exercise, or setting up a hanging tug rope in your backyard.

A Pit Bull’s Intuition

Many pit owners will tell you about the time their animal companion warned them of danger long before they were even aware that anything was wrong. Pit bull owners also constantly comment on how emotive and sensitive their dog can be. Far from the monsters that the media makes them out to be, well-trained and well-loved pit bulls are loyal, affectionate, and intuitive companions.

Tough Lovers

Because pit bulls are such an intelligent and strong-willed breed, they require an owner who can and will give them tough love. This should NEVER come in the form of spankings, hitting, or yelling. Rather, a firm tone, consistent correction, and tons of praise when the dog does what you’ve asked are the most effective methods.

An Adventurer’s Best Friend

This powerful animal loves to run, hike, play fetch and, if exposed to water early on, will even swim. Remember to ALWAYS keep your pit on a leash in public places and on public trails until he has been properly trained off-leash and will come when you call.

The Best Little Spoons

Pit bulls absolutely love to cuddle and be close to their owners. However, cuddling, petting, and praise should be reserved for times when your pit bull has earned these types of interaction. Too much affection can make for a “spoiled” animal that may become defiant. However, if you give your pit an appropriate amount of exercise daily, along with training, cuddling and praise should be their reward. Along with treats, of course.

Well-Behaved Children Are Welcome

Despite what the media would have you believe, pit bulls are actually wonderful with well-behaved children who know how to approach and play with dogs. Never allow your child to pull a dog’s ears, hit or kick a dog, or yell at a dog. Also, teach your children to ask before approaching or petting a stranger’s dog.

Be sure to expose your pit bull to children at a young age. They will often be playful with children and gentle, as long as they are given the right guidance. If you have children, make sure they are a part of your pit bull’s training program.

Aggression is Learned and Allowed, Not Inherent

Like any other breed of animal, pit bulls can learn to be aggressive. The key word here is “learn.” There is no scientific evidence to support the misconception that pits are inherently more aggressive than any other breed. However, because they have been taught, by humans, to fight throughout the centuries, this trait can come more naturally under the right circumstances.
That being said, if a pit bull is socialized from puppyhood, disciplined, given strict boundaries and tough love, there is very little chance of your pit becoming aggressive with other dogs or humans.

A few training tips that will help teach your dog to be submissive, calm, and loving include:

– Teaching them to sit, stay, come, and lay down on command (these commands should be reinforced all of their life, not just when they are puppies).

– Making sure they do not become food aggressive by feeding them with other dogs and cats when they are puppies, feeding them from your hand and allowing other humans to feed them, and periodically taking their food away from them and then returning it.

– Taking your pit to the dog park, on hiking trails, and to public events as a puppy is one of the most effective ways to socialize them. If you notice them playing too rough, correct them early on.

– Never allow your pit bull to jump up on another human

These gentle and smart dogs are the perfect companion for the owner willing to take the time and energy to train them properly and love them well.

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